How Many More Monthly Payments Are Made For A Five-Year Loan Than For A Two-Year Loan?

 For a five-year loan compared to a two-year loan, the difference in the number of monthly payments is calculated by subtracting the number of payments for the two-year loan from the number of payments for the five-year loan.

A two-year loan typically has 2 years * 12 months/year = 24 monthly payments. A five-year loan typically has 5 years * 12 months/year = 60 monthly payments.

So, the difference in the number of monthly payments between a five-year loan and a two-year loan is: 60 payments (for the five-year loan) - 24 payments (for the two-year loan) = 36 additional monthly payments.

Therefore, there are 36 more monthly payments made for a five-year loan than for a two-year loan.

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